Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club
Social Media and Electronic Communications Policy
• Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club is proud to be a highly sociable club, and using social media, texts, emails or messaging apps is a great way for the Club and its members to keep in touch.
• This Policy has been written to help everyone involved with the Club make informed decisions about how they use these online communications when discussing Club-related activity. This Policy only applies to Club and cricket-related matters and not individuals' personal/ private interactions on social media.
• A more detailed policy based on ECB guidance on the use of social media, texts, apps, email and messaging services provides specific guidance for club officials / volunteers, children / young adults and their parents / carers when communicating with each other and should be read and referenced by those groups in addition to this policy.
• The Club recognises the right of individuals to speak freely within the law and has no intention to restrict proper and sensible exercise of this freedom. But without care it is easy to post comments, which might seem like a good idea at the time, but which can later cause problems for the Club and individual concerned. Whilst an individual's comments may not 'officially' represent the Club, they can reflect badly on the Club, the game of cricket and the individual. • Always remember that everyone involved with the Club has a responsibility to safeguard its good image.
• The Club urges members to use common-sense and 'think before posting'.
• A good way to decide whether you should post something is to ask yourself: "Could I say this faceto-face without causing offence, or would I be happy to see my comments published in a newspaper?"
• If you are unsure or the answer is "No", then you should NOT post it.
• This Policy is not meant to stifle chatting, or good-natured, witty banter. But one person's jokey comment can be another person's insult (and it is easier for the written word to be misinterpreted and cause offence, than the spoken word).
• If you are in any doubt about a comment you wish to make via social media, please ask the opinion of a senior Club official before you post it.
The Club requires members to observe the following guidelines on responsible social media use, email or messaging applications use. Please:
• Do NOT post unpleasant, offensive or potentially inflammatory comments (for example, containing abusive, insulting or indecent language/ swearing; or threats) about Club members or Officials; other clubs or players; leagues; Umpires; or 'controversial' subjects and so on.
• Do NOT respond to inaccurate, negative or nasty comments (for example, made about you, our teams or others, your friends or the Club). Individuals should never respond on behalf of the Club. Instead, please bring any matters of concern to the attention of a senior Club official.
• Do NOT make hostile or harassing comments or discriminate based on any status liable to cause offence (such as a person's race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, disability or so on).
• Do NOT post comments which may undermine the unity of a team or the good standing of the Club; or which are detrimental to the interests of the Club or game of cricket; or which bring the Club individual, or game of cricket into disrepute (that is, damage their reputation).
• Do NOT divulge confidential information or information belonging to the Club, which is not in the public domain, or expand upon such information already in the public domain. This includes (but is not limited to) team selection, tactics and injuries.
• Do NOT post information which could implicate another person in disciplinary or legal proceedings. This could include (but is not limited to) copying or redistributing another person's social media posting.
• DO comply with ECB Guidelines on photographs of young cricketers. In particular if the cricketer is named, do not use their photograph. If a photograph is used, do not name the child.
• DO remember that we are a family-orientated Club with many junior members who will sometimes form part of the audience or the team. Whilst events such as Summer Ball are an important part of our social calendar, in keeping with the Club's family image, we expect that posts relating to social activities such as drinking or gambling remain appropriate. It is in no-one's interests to glamorise excess!
• DO NOT use any material which is copyrighted as this will have financial consequences for the club.
• Any member found to be in breach of the above Policy may be subject to disciplinary action by the Club (up to and including cancellation of Club membership), or relevant league or both. In extreme cases it could even result in criminal prosecution or civil liability.
• All Committee members have a duty to promote awareness and understanding of this Policy and act if they become aware of any breach of it.
• The Club will monitor its own media channels to ensure postings comply with the above Policy. If any concerns arise the Club will remove the material and may discipline the poster.
• Any comments made on an individual's own social media remain the responsibility of the poster and the Club will accept no liability for those comments, nor any actions taken as a result.
• Follow ECB guidelines set out in Safe Hands Policy and any other relevant guidelines issued.
• Ensure that you attend appropriate training to keep up to date with your role and the Welfare of Young people.
• Report any concerns you may have in relation to a Young Person, following reporting procedures laid down by the ECB
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club aims
● to take all practicable steps to provide and maintain an environment which is safe and without risks to health with regard to the welfare of all members and visitors, while they are on Club premises and/or participating in the Club’s sporting and/or social activities;
● to make available, as necessary, safety devices and protective equipment and to supervise their use;
● to maintain a continuing interest in health and safety matters, in particular by consulting and involving members.
It is the intention of Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club
● to continue to provide and maintain equipment and materials in a safe condition and without risks to health;
● to provide the necessary information with respect to any equipment and materials in use, detailing any precautions necessary to ensure that, when properly used, they will be safe and without risks to health;
● to provide access to training for people, who have been properly selected and who have agreed to undertake the training, in matters relating to the proper use of equipment and in matters relating to emergency first aid;
● to provide an environment for the activities of the Club that is safe and with only a reasonable minimum level of risks to health which can be foreseen, and to make adequate provisions with regard to the facilities and arrangements for the welfare of members, employees and visitors;
● to carry out a programme of risk assessments and to monitor the systems put in place to ensure the health and safety of all who may be affected;
● to ensure that all members and employees are made aware of their own obligation to fulfil their duty of care to maintain the health and safety of themselves and all other users of the Club and its facilities;
● to ensure that the premises are safe to use and comply with the relevant health and safety regulations;
● in all areas to set as a minimum level the legal obligations regarding health and safety, including following any temporary measures which may be enforced from time to time by the Government and cricket control bodies;
Guidelines on Use of Photographic and Filming Equipment at Matches, Training Sessions and Events involving Young People
• No photos shall be taken or videos shot of young people without the prior permission of their parents.
• Under no circumstances will cameras (including on mobile phones) be used in the club changing areas.
• If pictures are published on the club website, names will not be added to the images without obtaining prior parental permission.
• Only images of children in appropriate cricket wear will be used.
• If anyone in the club becomes aware of inappropriate or intrusive photography, it should be reported to the club welfare officer.
• Video film of batting, bowling or fielding may be used as a coaching tool. The club will store this footage safely and only show it with the player’s (or their parents’) permission.
• The club will delete the footage if so requested or if the player leaves the club.
If LBCC invites the press or a professional photographer to a festival, match or Cricket event involving young players, we will ensure they are clear about expectations of them in relation to child protection and the welfare of young people.
• We will provide a clear brief about what is considered appropriate, in terms of content and behaviour
• We will issue the photographer with identification which we will ask be worn at all times
• We will inform Young Cricketers and their Parents/Guardians that a photographer will be at the event. We will use any permissions you may already have given us as your consent to both the taking and publication of films or photographs
• We do not allow unsupervised access to Young Cricketers or one-to-one photos/filming sessions
• We do not approve photo sessions outside the event. If parents or other spectators are intending to photograph or video the event, they will be aware of our expectations by way of these Guidelines
• We ask spectators to advise any of our coaches or officials that they wish to use photographic equipment
• If young cricketers and/or parents have any concerns about photographing and videoing LBCC matches and events when young players are participating, they can report these to any official or coach
• Concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography should be reported to any official or coach and they will be recorded in the same manner as any child protection concern
The Club reserves the right to refuse entry to persons unable to meet or abide by the above rules.
Use of Changing Rooms (Young people playing adult cricket)
The Club shall obtain a consent form, signed by a parent granting permission that their child can share changing facilities with adults. This becomes relevant when young people start to play adult cricket. The following ECB guidelines for changing rooms apply:
• No young person will be asked to shower or change in front of others.
• Adults must not change or shower at the same time as juniors when sharing a facility.
• Juniors should be given the chance to change in privacy. Once they have finished and left the building senior players may enter the room.
• The use of any form of picture recording equipment is strictly prohibited in changing room areas.
• Mixed sex changing shall not be permitted.
Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members and Guests
Members and Guests of Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club are required to abide by the provisions of this Code of Conduct and any subsequent updates as may be in force from time to time, and by their presence on club premises or at club events or activities are deemed to have accepted and to abide by the provisions of this Code and any other relevant Codes of Conduct, Policies, Rules or Regulations the Club has adopted.
All Members and Guests of Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club will:
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of Cricket.
• Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
• Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed.
• Display high standards of behaviour; • Promote the positive aspects of cricket e.g. fair play.
• Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and rules and play within them, respecting the decisions of match officials.
• Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials.
• Recognise good performance not just match results.
• Place the well-being and safety of children above the development of performance.
• Ensure that activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
• Respect children’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in cricket.
• Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with children in the Club.
• Not provide children with alcohol when they are under the care of the Club.
• Follow ECB guidelines set out in the ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued.
• Report any concerns in relation to a child, following reporting procedures laid down by the ECB.
* Members and Guests are defined as all members, officers, coaches and volunteers of the Cricket Club and all guests of the above, as well as all individuals who watch / attend / participate / officiate in matches hosted by the club in whatever capacity.
In addition to the above, all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will:
• Have been appropriately vetted, if required.
• Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance.
• Always work in an open environment (i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment) NB This includes the online world – club officers and volunteers are discouraged from online or other electronic communication with children – any such communication should be via parents.
• Inform Players and Parents of the requirements of Cricket.
• Know and understand the ECB’s ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’.
• Develop an appropriate working relationship with young players, based on mutual trust and respect.
• Ensure that physical contact is appropriate and necessary and is carried out within recommended guidelines with the young player’s full consent and approval.
• Not engage in any form of sexually related contact with a young player. This is strictly forbidden as is sexual innuendo, flirting or inappropriate gestures and terms. The ECB adopts the Home Office guidelines. These recommend the principle “people in positions of trust and authority do not have sexual relationships with 16 - 17 year olds in their care”.
• Attend appropriate training to keep up to date with their role, especially that relating to the safeguarding of children.
Players must be aware that the Club has signed up to the voluntary codes of conduct for both the Kent Cricket League and the Kent Regional Cricket League.
The most recent version of these documents can be found on the KCL and KRCL websites by searching for “Kent Cricket League voluntary code of conduct” and “Kent Regional Cricket League voluntary code of conduct.”
Whereas these league Voluntary Codes of Conduct deal with bad behaviour reported by an umpire, the responsibility for upholding standards of behaviour at all times lies squarely with the club and in particular the captain of each team on the day.
The principles set out in this policy apply not only in match and other “live” situations but also to on-line and social media activities. Club members should familiarise themselves with the LBCC “Social Media Guidelines” which sets out relevant guidelines.
If a breach of the provisions or principles of this Code of Conduct occurs or is reasonably suspected to have occurred, the Club reserves the right to take such action as it deems appropriate. Any disciplinary or complaint hearings in connection with a breach of these rules shall be dealt with in accordance with the disciplinary procedure as set out in the Club Constitution as may be amended from time to time.
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club Constitution
1. Name
The Club shall be called ‘Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club’. It shall be affiliated to the Kent Cricket Board.
2. Aims
The aims of the Club shall be:
• To offer coaching and competitive playing opportunities in Cricket for playing Members of all ages
• To provide coaching and training in cricket for playing Members of all ages
• To promote the Club within the local community and within the Cricketing community
• To manage the Club’s ground and facilities
• To ensure a duty of care to all Members of the Club
• To provide all its services in a way that is fair to everyone
• To ensure that all present and future Members receive fair and equal treatment.
3. Membership
Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in the sport on application regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs, except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of cricket. The Club shall adopt the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code of Conduct and any future versions of the code.
The committee may refuse or remove membership in cases where it considers that the person’s conduct or character may bring the Club or cricket into disrepute. Newly applying members will be given the chance to make written representations in such cases. Existing members may only be removed after the disciplinary procedure in section 9 has been followed.
Membership shall consist of Officers and Members of the Club. All Members shall be subject to the regulations of the Constitution and by joining the Club shall be deemed to accept these regulations and any codes of conduct that the Club has adopted.
Members shall be enrolled in one of the following categories:
• Full Member
• Junior Member
• Vice President
• Life Member
4. Membership Fees
The Club may apply different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. The Club will have an equitable pricing policy and will keep subscriptions at levels that will not pose a significant obstacle to people participating, whilst ensuring the Club’s financial viability.
Membership subscriptions and fees shall be set annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Individuals will become club members on payment of their annual membership fee (full or sub). At that point, the Player will become a Full Member, with full voting rights at Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting. Only members shall play for the 1st and 2nd XIs, unless in exceptional circumstances approved by the Chair.
5. Officers of the Club
The Officers of the Club shall be
• President
• Chair
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Fixtures Secretary
• Club Captain
The Officers and such other Committee Members as the Club may deem appropriate shall be elected annually at the AGM. All Officers and other Committee Members shall retire each year but shall be eligible for re-election.
6. Management Committee
The Club shall be managed through a Committee comprising all the Officers of the Club including the President and such other elected Members as shall take the number of Committee Members up to the maximum as determined at the Annual or an Extraordinary General Meeting. Only these elected Officers and other Committee Members shall have the right to vote at Committee meetings.
At least 3 members of the Committee shall be unrelated to each other and not co-habiting. The Club Welfare officer shall be a member of the committee.
The Club will endeavour to ensure that the committee is diverse and that members have appropriate skills.
The Committee shall be convened by the Secretary of the Club and meetings held at least 4 times per year. Meetings may be held in person, by telephone or by web-based systems. The quorum required for business to be agreed at Committee meetings shall be four Members of the Committee. Decisions shall be taken by a simple majority vote. Minutes shall be kept by the Committee and such minutes shall be available for inspection by Members.
The Committee shall have power to remove members of the Committee as a result of a vote and to fill any casual vacancy from time to time among the Officers and Committee Members. Any person so appointed shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and shall be eligible for re-election.
The Committee shall be responsible and empowered to carry out the running of the Club including playing matters, maintenance of the ground and other facilities, the finances of the Club, including insurance, savings and borrowing. The committee shall also be responsible for adopting new policies, codes of conduct and rules that affect the organisation of the Club and its activities.
The Committee shall have powers to appoint and delegate matters to sub-Committees and advisers as necessary to fulfil its business. Leaders or chairs of sub-committees shall be members of the main committee and shall report to the main committee.
The Committee shall be responsible for disciplinary hearings of Members who infringe the Club rules and regulations and for taking any appropriate action following such hearings.
The Committee shall have power to appoint and replace trustees as necessary or convenient for the holding of Club property (other than cash). The trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of Club funds.
7. Finance
All Club monies shall be banked in an account in the name of the Club. The Club Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of the Club.
The financial year of the Club shall end on 31 October. An audited statement of annual accounts shall be presented by the Treasurer at the Annual General Meeting.
All payments from the Club’s accounts require the approval of the Treasurer plus one of the Chair, the Vice-Chair or the Secretary.
The Committee shall not have authority to borrow money on behalf of the Club, except in accordance with the terms of a resolution of the Members in general meeting granting such authority.
8. General Meetings
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held each year and not more than 15 months shall elapse between AGMs. The Secretary shall give notice of the AGM. Not less than ten clear days notice shall be given in writing to all Members.
The quorum for AGMs shall be ten full Members or 25% of all full Members, whichever is less. Only full Members shall be entitled to vote at a general meeting, being playing Members aged 16 or above whose subscriptions have been paid up to date.
The AGM shall receive a report from Officers of the Committee and a statement of the audited accounts for approval.
Election of Officers, other Committee Members and the auditor shall take place at the AGM. Other business shall be transacted as set out in the notice sent out by the Secretary.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened on the requisition of 20% of the Members of the Club entitled to vote. Such requisition must state the purpose for which the EGM is required. The procedures for EGMs shall be as for the AGM.
9. Discipline and Appeals
All complaints regarding the behaviour of Members must be submitted in writing to the Secretary. The Committee shall meet to hear a complaint within thirty days of the complaint being lodged. The Committee shall have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action, including the termination of Membership.
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing shall be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the Member against whom the complaint was made within fourteen days of the hearing.
There shall be a right of appeal to the Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The Committee shall consider the appeal within thirty days of the appeal being lodged with the Secretary.
10. Safety and Welfare
The Club publishes and promotes policies in the areas of Health and Safety, Anti-Bullying, Equality, Social Media, Use of Photography and Video. The Club shall adopt and implement the ECB Policy “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children” and any future versions of the policy.
The Club Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members and Guests shall be adhered to.
The England and Wales Cricket Board Guidelines contained within the Welfare of Young People in Cricket Policy shall be adhered to.
The Committee shall appoint a Club Welfare Officer to ensure compliance with safeguarding legislation and the ECB Safe Hands policy. The Club Welfare Officer shall be a Committee member and report to relevant Committee meeting. The reports, together with any action taken, must be minuted.
11. Conflicts of Interest
In order to improve decision making conflicts of interest must be managed. Committee members with a conflict of interest over any issue must withdraw from the meeting while a decision is made.
12. Dissolution
A resolution to dissolve the Club may only be passed at an AGM or EGM through a majority vote of the Membership. In the event of dissolution, any assets of the Club that remain shall become the property of the Kent Cricket Board to be used by another Cricket Club with similar objectives to the Club.
13. Amendments to the Constitution
This Constitution shall only be changed through agreement by majority vote at an AGM or EGM.
14. Declaration
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club hereby adopts this Constitution as a current operating guide regulating the actions of Members.
ARE REQUIRED TO abide by the provisions of this Code of Conduct and any subsequent updates as may be in force from time to time, and by their presence on Club premises or at Club events or activities are deemed to have accepted and to abide by the provisions of this Code and any other relevant Codes of Conduct, Rules or Regulations the Club has adopted.
• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of Cricket
• Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief
• Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed
• Display high standards of behaviour
• Promote the positive aspects of Cricket e.g. fair play
• Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and rules and play within them, respecting the decisions of match officials
• Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials
• Recognise good performance not just match results
• Place the well-being and safety of children above the development of performance
• Ensure that activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual
• Respect children’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in Cricket
• Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with children in the Club.
• Not provide children with alcohol when they are under the care of the Club
• Follow ECB guidelines set out in the ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued
• Report any concerns in relation to a child, following reporting procedures laid down by the ECB
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club
Code of Conduct for Cricket Club Members and Guests
In addition to the above, all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will:
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club is committed to ensuring that all Young People who are involved in the Club’s cricketing activities, have a safe and positive experience.
The Club is committed to developing and implementing policies and procedures which ensure that everyone in the Club knows and accepts their responsibility in relation to a Duty of Care for Young People. It is committed to ensuring that there are correct and comprehensive reporting procedures, by promoting good practice and sound recruitment procedures for all individuals involved in the Club’s social and cricketing activities.
The Club recognises that it is not the responsibility of those Club officers, volunteers or members to determine if abuse has taken place, but it is their responsibility to act upon and report any concerns.
This policy sets out a framework to fulfil the Club's commitment to good practice and the protection of Young People in its care within cricket. This policy applies either directly or indirectly to all individuals working within the Club in any capacity according to their level of contact with Young People in cricket.
The Club has appointed a properly trained Club Welfare Officer whose name is displayed in the Club’s premises. Club officers, volunteers and members do their best to ensure the safety and protection through adherence to Club rules and guidelines:
● Code of Conduct for Club officials, coaches and volunteers
● Club rules for young players
● Code of conduct for Parents/Carers
● Guidelines for dealing with incidents and accidents
The Club fully supports the England and Wales Cricket Board’s Policy for the Welfare of Young People in Cricket in their document “Safe Hands”.
“Young People” throughout this document refers to those aged 18 years and under.
All Young People participating in Cricket and in sport in general have a right to do so in a safe environment.
All Club officers, volunteers and members will provide a safe, positive and fun experience for Young People in both cricket and social activities.
All Club officers, volunteers and members will understand and be supported in their role and
responsibility with regard to the duty of care for Young People.
Officers, coaches and volunteers will receive support as relevant through education and training to be aware of and understand best practice and how to manage any welfare issues which may come to light.
All suspicions and allegations will be taken seriously, managed and dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
The Club recognises the responsibility of the statutory agencies and is committed to complying with all relevant national and local area Child Protection Procedures.
It is the responsibility of child protection experts to determine whether or not abuse has taken place, but it is the responsibility of all those working within Cricket and within this Club to report any concerns.
It is incumbent upon every Coach/Team Manager/Team Captain/Volunteer or other club member who is involved with Young People to be aware of his or her responsibilities toward Child Protection.
Any allegation or suspicion of child abuse or mistreatment in any form must be brought to the attention of the Club Welfare Officer and logged immediately.
The Club shall appoint a Welfare Officer (CWO) at the AGM whose contact details will be displayed in the pavilion and listed on the Club website and in fixture cards.
The welfare officer shall have undergone child protection training supplied by the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and recognised by the Child Protection for Sport Unit.
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club acknowledges, and accepts, as a primary responsibility, the well being and safety of those children and Young Persons involved with the cricket Club in whatever capacity (e.g. senior team, junior team, practices, scoring, fund raising etc.). The Cricket Club does so in the belief that placing Young Persons welfare at the centre of its concerns provides a solid foundation for the development of these members and for effective Child Protection practice.
● Promotes and supports good outcomes in terms of health, development and educational achievement for its players.
● Enables parents and other members of the player's family to be as involved as is practicable in a working partnership with the Club
● Recognises the significance of ethnic and cultural diversity.
● Acknowledges its responsibility to set high cricket, academic and social standards.
● Expects that all adults having contact with Young People will behave with good model behaviour and honesty and will take into account the feelings of others.
● Seeks opportunities for celebrating success and recognises achievement, effort and good behaviour.
● Recognises that good behaviour will be achieved if all those involved in the Club have a clear and mutual understanding of the aims of the Club and if the systems of training are implemented efficiently.
● Provides a disciplined environment where young players will work together taking a pride in themselves and their surroundings.
The protection of children is the concern of everyone in a position to help. All persons who are involved with children and young players in LBH will be appraised of how to recognise child abuse and make appropriate referrals to the Club Welfare Officer.
Experience confirms the importance of apparently small matters needing to be taken seriously listened to and addressed. A recurring pattern of "minor" complaints could indicate deep-seated problems that need to be addressed. All who are involved with children and young persons shall take complaints seriously and report them to the Club Welfare Officer. Complaints will always be acknowledged and logged.
The Cricket Club recognises that children need to discover the boundaries of acceptable behaviour and this can sometimes lead to challenging situations. Disapproval should be of behaviour and not the person.
Unacceptable behaviour shall be remedied through consistent and constructive reprimand. The imposition of formal disciplinary measures - a sanction - should only be considered after other approaches have proved ineffective. The junior person should first be warned that a specific sanction would be imposed if behaviour does not improve. If a sanction is subsequently necessary, it should be clear and appropriate to the misbehaviour. The junior and their parent/guardian/carer will be informed why the sanction is imposed and a clear written record should be made.
NO form of corporal punishment (including striking, slapping, pushing or nudging a student) may be used in any circumstance. Non-compliance will lead to disciplinary proceedings being taken on behalf of the child.
All involved with young players must make themselves aware of the sanctions operated by the Cricket Club and those with delegated responsibility for imposing sanctions.
This policy document has been designed to assist everyone at the Cricket Club, to enable participation of our Young players in a safe, effective, child friendly environment.
Safety Guidelines (Wearing of Cricket Helmets, Boxes etc).
The English Cricket Board publishes safety guidelines in an attempt to ensure standards and to promote safety in cricket, both indoors and outdoors for practice sessions coaching and matches. The ECB acknowledges that even if their Safety Guidelines are followed exhaustively, this will not prevent all injuries. Cricket is an intrinsically dangerous game and the elimination of all risk is impossible. Accidents will always happen.
Leeds and Broomfield Cricket Club supports the ECB in the belief, however, that by following the ECB Safety Guidelines, including:
● ECB Safety Guidance on the Wearing of Cricket Helmets by Young Players (updated February 2015)
● Fielding regulations (Current 2021)
● ECB Fast Bowling Match Directives (Current 2021)
● Cricket Coaches Manual Appendix 1 - Safety Guidelines
the risk of serious injury to players and spectators can be significantly reduced.
In that regard the provision of a minimum of two helmets and abdominal protectors (boxes) as well as other protective guards, gloves in all LBH kit bags for match, practice, and coaching sessions is mandatory.
ECB Guidance for clubs on the use of Social Media, texts, apps, email and messaging services
August 2018
Everyone in cricket is reminded that the Relevant Codes of Conduct apply online and in text and email communications. Many cricket clubs have formally adopted this expectation into their constitution and / or disciplinary processes.
This guidance is adapted from that provided by the Lawn Tennis Association. We are grateful for their kindness in sharing this.
Social Media
Social Media, when used properly, is exciting and opens up a lot of opportunities, but at times it can seem strange and even intimidating for people who did not ‘grow up’ with it. Facebook, twitter, texting, Whats App, online gaming and personal emails are everywhere. By following some simple guidelines potential pitfalls can be avoided, and Social Media can be safely used as a promotional tool and a means of communication for the club.
Club Officials / Coaches / Managers
Facebook and Twitter accounts are great for promoting your club and cricket in general, as well as being a fun way to unwind and stay in touch with friends: it is essential to keep these two worlds separate. You should have separate cricket-club related and personal pages; all contact with players should be through the former, and strictly in relation to training, coaching, matches and cricket related activity. You should also adjust the privacy settings for your personal account so that content is only visible to accepted ‘friends’. This will keep younger players safe from material that may be unsuitable for them and will reduce the risk of your online interactions being viewed with suspicion.
Although younger players may see you as a friend and may request to be your ‘friend’ on a social media site, you should direct them to the cricket- club related page and keep all contact professional. What they might consider innocent, friendly contact may not be seen as such by their parents, people at the club and others.
It is also important to be mindful of any content you post online via the cricket-club related page - remember:
You are representing the club.
Your communications should conform to ‘Safe Hands’ policy and guidance.
You must ensure that nothing you post could cause personal distress or be seen as inappropriate for children.
If you would not put it on the club notice board, it does not belong on the club’s social media pages.
You should have consent before posting any personal information online – this includes photographs where an individual can be identified. Remember the picture/no name guidance for under 18s.
Texts, apps and emails: contacting Under 18 players.
The Children Act defines a person under 18 years as a child.
You should make arrangements for under 18s via their parents or carers; this includes text and email or Whats App messages etc.
It is understood that in the case of over 16’s this may not be ideal for yourself or the parents. An acceptable exception to this rule is to text or email the parent and to copy in the 16 or 17 year old, with the parent’s prior consent. This means the parent is able to monitor communications, but the 16 or 17 year old receives the information directly. If you receive any responses that appear inappropriate, they should be brought to the attention of the parent or carer.
You should not engage in individual text or email conversations with a 16 or 17 year old without their parent receiving the same messages from you.
All contact with children should be in relation to coaching, matches and cricket-related activity.
Social Media: Do’s and Don’ts Coaches / Managers / Clubs DO
• Have separate social media accounts for cricket-club related and personal use.
• Keep your photos and personal information private.
• Apply the Codes of Conduct and appropriate professionalism to your behaviour online, by text and email.
• Obtain consent before posting any personal information online – this includes photographs where an individual can be identified.
• Remember the picture/no name guidance for under 18s.
Coaches / Managers / Clubs DO NOT
• Send text messages to juniors – make arrangements via their parents.
• Send private messages to children and young people via apps or social media.
• Invite or accept children and young people to become “friends”.
• Send inappropriate text messages or post messages on social media that are offensive, nasty or derogatory in any way.
Adult players in Open Age teams
Please be mindful of who may have access to material you share via social media, including Facebook, twitter and other platforms.
If you have concerns regarding social media, texts and emails.
If you suspect that someone is using social media in an unsafe or inappropriate manner, you should report their behaviour to your Club Welfare Officer, the County Welfare Officer, or the ECB Safeguarding team – email safeguarding@ecb.co.uk .
If you believe that an offence has been committed, or that someone’s use of social media is placing a child is at risk of harm, inform the police immediately.
This generation is growing up with the internet as part of their everyday lives. It is a great place for them to learn, to have fun and to chat with their friends. Of course, it is important to make sure that they are safe while they do it.
As children have access to the internet from various devices, it can be more difficult to monitor their use than when a 'home computer' sat in a downstairs room, and more important that parents/carers have greater knowledge.
There is great information available for you to help keep your child safe online: visit www.net-aware.org.uk for a good introduction.
You may also want to have a look at the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre’s guide to the internet for parents and carers: www.thinkuknow.co.uk .
Remember: it is against Facebook’s rules for your child to have an account if they are under thirteen years old. This is to prevent them from being exposed to potentially inappropriate content. You will find all you need to know about keeping young teens safe on Facebook on their official safety page for parents: www.facebook.com/safety/groups/parents/.
In April 2018, Whats App raised their minimum age to 16 years.
Most importantly of all, it is important that your child feels they can talk to someone if they are being bullied online, or if they have been exposed to something that makes them upset or uncomfortable.
Parents / Carers DO
• Make sure you are aware of who your child has contact with online and via text
• Be aware of The ECB and the club’s expectations for coaches and social media
• Talk to your children about using social media.
• Provide your mobile number / email address if requested, so the club can contact you.
Report any content you think may be improper or unlawful to the Internet Watch Foundation: https://www.iwf.org.uk
Children and Young People
The internet is a great place to learn and to have fun with your friends, and the best way to have fun is to make sure that you stay safe. You should think about the points below whenever you use the internet, or speak to people online or by text:
If someone is not your friend in real life, they are not your friend on the internet. Be careful when accepting friend requests.
Sometimes people on the internet are not who they say they are. If you are not 100% sure, do not risk it.
Remember to change your privacy settings so that only your friends can see information about you, your wall posts and your photos.
If someone is sending you messages or texts that you are worried about, tell your parents, an adult you trust, your teacher or your club’s welfare officer.
• Remember that your coach is a professional, just like your teachers. They should not be your friend on Facebook and should not be texting or messaging you.
• You can expect them to make arrangements for coaching and matches via your parents.
• Bullying can happen online too, and it is known as cyber-bullying. If you, or someone you know, has had this happen to them you should tell an adult that you can trust.
• Do not be afraid to tell someone if you have concerns.
• Have a look at the Think You Know page on the internet for more information about staying safe online: http://www.thinkuknow.co.uk
Young people DO
• Keep your photos and personal information private
• Conduct yourself in a respectful and courteous manner on social media as you would at home, in school or at cricket.
• Tell a professional or an adult you trust if you are worried or concerned about online behaviour or unwanted contact/ communication.
Young people DO NOT
• DO NOT send inappropriate text messages or post messages on social media that are offensive, nasty or derogatory in any way
• DO NOT accept any friend requests from people you do not know or you feel uncomfortable accepting.
● DO NOT send or forward any indecent images of yourself, someone you know, or anyone you do not know, even if it seems to be done in fun - it is wrong and it is against the law.
The England and Wales Cricket Board (the ECB) is responsible for the governance of cricket in England and Wales. This ECB Anti-Discrimination Code (the Code) is part of the ECB’s continuing efforts to maintain the integrity, diversity and inclusivity of cricket.
The ECB aims to create an environment within cricket in England and Wales in which no individual, group or organisation experiences discrimination or acts in a discriminatory manner on the basis of a Protected Characteristic (as defined in the Equality Act 2010 from time to time – which at the time of writing are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation).
This Code therefore sets out discriminatory behaviour which, when carried out by a participant who is required to comply with it, will be a breach of the Code and may be sanctioned accordingly.
All Participants (as defined below) agree by virtue of their involvement in cricket in England and Wales to be bound by this Code and submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the relevant body which applies to them.
All County Cricket Boards, First Class Counties, the National Counties, leagues, clubs and other organisations under the jurisdiction of the ECB or its Members must adopt and enforce the Code.
Participants who are party to an ECB agreement and/or in receipt of ECB funding may be obliged, as a condition of those agreements or funding, to comply with or adopt the Code and/or enforce the provisions of the Code through their own processes.
The Code may be amended from time to time by the ECB in its sole discretion, with such amendments coming into effect on the date specified by the ECB.
(a) County Cricket Boards, First Class Counties, National Counties, the Marylebone Cricket Club and other organisations under the jurisdiction of the ECB or its Members;
(b) clubs and leagues which are affiliated to or under the jurisdiction of either the ECB or any of its Members; and
(c) any other organisations which adopt this Code.
Participant means:
(a) CricketOrganisations;
(b) employees,directors,officers,committeemembers,contractorsandvolunteers,ineach
case, of the ECB or any Cricket Organisation;
(c) match officials including members of the Association of Cricket Officials;
(d) members of the ECB Coaches Association;
(e) an individual taking part in a cricket match or event under the jurisdiction of the ECB and/or
any ECB Member; and
(f) any other individual who becomes bound by this Code.
Paragraph (f) above is intended to cover other individuals which a cricket organisation chooses to have bound by the Code. For example, a cricket venue may require spectators to abide by the Code by making it a provision of the ticket terms and conditions which a spectator agrees to.
1. It will be a breach of this Code for any Participant to:
1.1. act in any manner, make any omission, or engage in any conduct, which (in the opinion of a reasonable person) does or is likely to, offend, insult, humiliate, intimidate, threaten, disparage and/or vilify any person or group of people, based on, or by reference to, any Protected Characteristic; and/or
1.2. make any decision or any omission or do anything which might reasonably be deemed to discriminate against any person, or group of people, or to disadvantage that individual or group based on any Protected Characteristic unless permitted by law; and/or
in instances where the Participant is an organisation
1.3. fail to provide an effective, timely and proportionate response to an alleged breach under paragraphs 1.1 and/or 1.2 above, carried out by any individual or organisation under the jurisdiction of the Participant.
2. The breaches referenced in paragraph 1 shall apply regardless of whether the Protected Characteristic(s) around which the breach is based applies to the person or people to whom the offending conduct is directed.
If a player makes a homophobic comment directed at another player during a match, regardless of whether that other player belongs to the group referred to, this would amount to a breach of the Anti- Discrimination Code.
3. Any breach of this Code may also constitute an offence or breach of other applicable laws, rules and/or regulations. This Code is intended to supplement such other laws, rules and regulations and is not intended, and may not be interpreted, construed or applied, to prejudice or undermine in any way the application of such other laws, rules and/or regulations. Participants therefore acknowledge and agree that this Code does not limit their responsibilities or obligations under other laws, rules and/or regulations.